Lost/Misplaced Coronavirus Vaccine Registration Ticket

Vaccination Registration Ticket Reissue Process

If you would like to receive a Coronavirus vaccination and have lost your vaccination registration ticket, you must follow the process of having your vaccination registration ticket reissued.

Vaccination Registration Ticket

Vaccination Registration Ticket

Application Process

  1. Please download the file titled, "Coronavirus Vaccine Registration Ticket Reissue Application" and fill out all necessary items.
  2. Please attach personal identification documents such as a driver's license or health insurance card to the filled out form and submit to the Seika Coronavirus Vaccine Management Office. (Applications can also be submitted via mail and email. If submitting via email please send to the following address, vaccine@town.seika.lg.jp.
  3. Once your vaccination registration ticket has been reissued, it will be sent to your home address via standard mail.
  4. If you receive your vaccination registration ticket in person, please make an appointment with the Seika Coronavirus Vaccine Control Center and receive your vaccination.

Note: If an individual applies for the vaccination registration ticket on behalf of someone else, the person will also need to bring personal identification documents such as a My Number Card, Driver's License, or Health Insurance Card.


健康福祉環境部 新型コロナワクチン接種対策室(精華町新型コロナワクチン接種コールセンター)
〒619-0285 京都府相楽郡精華町大字南稲八妻小字北尻70番地

電話番号 0570-056732
ファクス 0774-95-3974
