Kyoto Across Cultures Blog 多文化京(共)生ブログ

The Kyoto Prefecture CIRs Multicultural Blog, "Kyoto Across Cultures," is now accessible through the Seika Town Homepage.

The blog's stated purpose is "spreading awareness and understanding about the goals and the activities of the CIRs working for local authorities in Kyoto Prefecture." It is run by the Coordinators for International Relations placed in various municipalities throughout Kyoto.

Entries are published in both English and Japanese.

To access the blog, please click the banner below or this link.

Kyoto Prefecture CIRs Multicultural Blog

Have a question about the content of this page? Contact us!

Seika Town Hall
General Affairs Department
Planning & Coordinating Division
Planning & Coordinating Section

Tel: 0774-95-1900
Fax: 0774-95-3971

